Monday, March 9, 2015

Rain Day March o9, 2o15

An inspiring day today I Norman Town. protesters in the street over some racist remarks made by some Frat boys. Well, really it was a bunch fraternity and sorority students on a bus chanting this:
You can hang him from a tree,
but he can never sign with me.
There will never be a n***** in SAE.
Somebody on the bus video taped it and placed in on YouTube. All hell broke loose on Facebook last night and the anger and outrage carried over into the morning. The coolest thing though was the huge student protest that took place. No yelling or screaming just a silent march around the north oval.
Rain Day
Early morning rain against the window
not thick but steady all day long.
The crowd never spoke.
The only sound shoes
slopping through
the muddy pot holes
that a few hard
winter days had caused.
But silence speaks in ways
words can never convey.
Eyes straight head
underneath rain hats and coats
and umbrellas that wish
they could go home
shaken-out and placed in
a warm corner of the room.
It’s such a dirty day filled in
with granite thoughts.
The hangman’s noose swings
drunkenly in the courtyard
where the protesters gather.
The sparrows are there too
along the tree line.
No chirping today only wondering  
why won’t the world shout its sorrow,
its anger to the sky?
Woodie o3-o9-2o15

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