This was one I wrote in late 2o14. It wrote it for a picture challenge on a Facebook page. It's funny how poems evolve while you're writing it. The original inspiration may be a picture, a drawing, or whatever. However, once you start writing, it starts to take on it's own life which might be autobiographical in some ways and just straight-up imagination. Writing poetry is such a combination of artistic influences. And there's also structure . . . structure that communicates the intangible ideas (or emotions) of a poem.
Hawk &Sunlight
beneath the protective shield
of your cotton umbrella sail
that dances with your hair
in the warm summer breeze.
the weather, the goings on in Ferguson, New York,
or those other terrible places that seem
so far away from where we are right now.
that makes your eyes glisten like rain drops,
makes my head ache and wish I had worn a hat.
right above our heads. You can see him
if you shade your eyes with your hand.
Yes, let’s talk about him.
rrw 12-o5-14
Hawk &Sunlight
can barely make you out. This Oklahoma sun
your shape into a bright yellow shadow
across a sea of burnt grass.
love watching the blur of your hips
they bounce up and downbeneath the protective shield
of your cotton umbrella sail
that dances with your hair
in the warm summer breeze.
also love the way you abruptly stop,
your head towards me and smile.
are you doing back there?”
dust devils blossom around my shoes
I rush to catch up with you.
I love talking to you about this and that
away from conversations concerningthe weather, the goings on in Ferguson, New York,
or those other terrible places that seem
so far away from where we are right now.
we can talk about important things some other time.
not today. Not in this miserable heat that makes your eyes glisten like rain drops,
makes my head ache and wish I had worn a hat.
now let’s gossip a bit about that black hawk
gliding across the harsh skyright above our heads. You can see him
if you shade your eyes with your hand.
Yes, let’s talk about him.
rrw 12-o5-14