Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2o15 January 1o, 2o15

Happy New Year readers of my poetry! Sorry it took me a bit to write something new, but it has been a hell of a new year so far. The first poem of 2o15 just for you:
2o15 squats on the windowsill
just like the old man who sat there before him.
Memories, thousands of them
swimming through the barren boughs
of the old trees that are too busy listening
to the gunshots two blocks away
where the drinkers, the sturdy ones
chase all their ghostly memories away
with beer shots and promises to change.
There is time, thick, wet barrels full of time
to cast new shadows, younger shadows
to drape the gray halls within the mind.
Sure, a few reruns will find the path back,
will cling to their ghostly selves,
find rebirth no matter the resolution made,
made tonight. And we'll forgive their age
and greet them with open mouth, and dry tongue
and allow them to live at least one more year.
One more year of breath we’ll grant them,
those remembrances that fought so hard for life.
rrw o1-o1-15


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