Saturday, October 18, 2014

Giving October 18, 2o14

As I said before, I' rewriting a lot of the poetry I've written in the past. Some of them date back to 2o11 and 2o12. A few go back much farther than that. I will try to get some brand new ones up in a few days. Until then:

The flesh dissolving to a fine paste,
bones splintering, cutting away
at tendons, the muscles ground
down to mists of foggy red. There
was blood once, rivers of it, rapids
rushing to the open seas of an open
heart, engorging the brain with lakes
and oceans full of malignant thought.
Rushing, forever rushing, filling
the empty knot between my legs.
Will I remember the feeling of fingers
impatiently tapping the back of my neck
when my desire to feel has withered away?
Will I remember you? Your kisses wet,
somewhat smoke-stained bitter and yet
somehow uncommonly sweet, your spiky
tongue drilling a path between my teeth,
impaling itself to the roof of my mouth.
Sometimes the only love we felt was
the pain we offered each other.
Soon the memory of time will be dead.
Days will waste away into hours, hours
will fade to moments, to seconds.
If I had the courage, I’d shut my eyes so hard
the sun would refuse to ever shine again.
rrw 4-15-12 (rewrites o9-o1-14)


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